FPS - Federacion Panamericana de Squash
FPS stands for Federacion Panamericana de Squash
Here you will find, what does FPS stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Federacion Panamericana de Squash? Federacion Panamericana de Squash can be abbreviated as FPS What does FPS stand for? FPS stands for Federacion Panamericana de Squash. What does Federacion Panamericana de Squash mean?Federacion Panamericana de Squash is an expansion of FPS
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Alternative definitions of FPS
- First Person Shooter
- Frames Per Second
- First Person Shooter
- Frames Per Second
- First Person Shooters
- Foot Pound Second
- Four Point Surround
- Frags Per Second
View 200 other definitions of FPS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FECDFECD Fondo Ecuatoriano de Cooperacin para el Desarrollo - FECD
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- FRD Foundation for Regional Development
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- FPU Fraternidade Pax Universal
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- FPTAT Fundacao de Pesquisa e Tecnologia "Andre Tosello"